It wouldn’t be an event without Shanghai being a part of it – it was 50:50 right up until the last minute due to the risk of restrictions on social gatherings, but Jason and Navin still managed to put on The Founders’ Flight Live Shanghai event. 没有上海的参与,这就不是一场完整的活动——由于社交聚会受到限制的风险,直到最后一分钟,人数都是50:50,但杰森和纳文仍然设法在上海举办了活动。
20 whisky lovers were there and a fantastic evening was had by all.20位威士忌爱好者齐聚一堂,度过了一个美妙的夜晚。
Here are some of the highlights below. Fees free to add your comments to the bottom of the page, if you were there, or if you recognise anyone.以下是其中的一些亮点。免费添加您的评论到页面底部,如果你在那里,或者如果你认识任何人。

CLICK HERE to go back to the main page and link through to other cities, but don’t forget to add your comments first at the bottom of this page and let us know what you thought about The Founders Flight Live Shanghai. 点击这里返回主页面并链接到其他城市,但不要忘记在本页底部添加您的评论,让我们知道您对威士忌上海之夜的看法。