It’s Chinese New Year, traditionally a time of giving (lots of money) and receiving (considerably less money). Here at Nine Rivers Distillery, we also want to receive something from you – your valuable opinion. What are we giving in exchange? The chance to be part of the design of a really exciting project – the 9RD Plenum!

- fullness or adequacy in quantity, measure, or degree; abundance: a plenitude of food, air, and sunlight.
- state of being full or complete.
The 9RD Plenum
Proper Noun
- A feature wall set into the external staircase of the Nine Rivers Distillery MMMF (malting, milling, mashing and fermenting) building.
If you have been following Nine Rivers Distillery on social media then you’ll have seen our “Brick for Life” programme. Essentially it’s an opportunity for supporters of the Nine Rivers Distillery project to have their name immortalized on a stainless steel plate, wrapped around a brick, that will be cemented into a feature wall on one of our buildings.
This wall will make up our plenum of supporters and anyone that buys a plenum brick will have the added benefit of a free dram (50ml measures – no short drams at 9RD!) every time they visit for the rest of their life.*
It’s not just the perfect memento for whisky lovers all over the world, but it’s also a fantastic gift for any whisky lover that you think deserves a really unique gift for life.
NOT Just Another Brick In The Wall

As you should know by now, here at Nine Rivers Distillery, we’re all about the people. The people that have invested in our project. The people that support our project by sharing our content on social media. The people that come to our events. But also to whisky lovers everywhere. The opinions of whisky lovers help to shape and define our project, so your opinion is what we need.
We want The Plenum to look amazing – we don’t want anyone involved in our Bricks for Life programme to feel like just another brick in the wall. So we need everyone’s opinion on what design we should use to create THE most photogenic wall at any distillery in the world.
We have created a few mock ups (kudos to Hayden, Maggie, Winnie and Joe for painstakingly laying these all out, on a freezing cold Tuesday in January) and we want you all to vote on which design you think works best.
1. The Winnie
My design is inspired by recent events. I call this ‘The Socially Distanced Brick’. So vote for my design because my design has modern and relevant meaning”

2. The Maggie
“My design was inspired by a video shared to us a few days ago, from a rather strange 1970’s pop song called ‘The Wall’. There were rows and rows of people sitting at desks. I like how it all conformed and while totally boring, had a rather unique charm. So vote for my design.”

3. The Joe
“My design was based on how my OCD forces me to arrange absolutely everything in my life in perfectly straight lines. It’s also the reason why I don’t do noodles. They are way too curly. So vote for my design or everyone will know you like noodles.”

4. The Hayden
“I based my design on lightning, in the same pattern that I used to have shaved into my hair when I was a young, rebellious hipster – I was the coolest dude in all of Hunan province”

Added Perks For Voting
If the excitement of being part of the magic wasn’t enough to motivate you to get clicking, then how about this? Everyone that votes for the winning layout will go into a lucky draw for a bottle of The Founders’ Casks Expression 3 – AND, you’ll get your hands on the bottle before they are officially released!

If all this talk of The Plenum has got you feeling like you want to be a part of it and have your name immortalized in Longyan, Fujian, then here’s your chance.
CLICK HERE to buy your brick while we still have some left. Remember to add your name as you want it displayed on your brick, to your order notes!
*Note. Any bricks purchased on behalf of minors will not benefit from free alcoholic drinks. Additionally, the drink must be consumed on site, and cannot be taken away off site. There are laws around the consumption of alcohol and we understandably respect those laws.
This vote is now closed.
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