Let’s start with the introduction to the public vote and to explain why at this stage, there is no identification of anyone who has made any of the suggestions. We want to keep this vote as fair as possible and for everyone to pick the names that they think best suit our stills (as opposed to just voting because they are supporting a friend).
Next we have all the names that have made the short list for you to pick from. Then finally we have a list of those suggestions that didn’t make the cut for the vote.
If all you want to do is vote for your favourites, then just pile in and make your vote.
We will do a second vote off for the top 5 next week.
UPDATE on Friday 29th December 2023
The voting is now closed. The results are below.

The top 5 will go into a second round vote off.
Sorry, the voting for this is now closed. But thanks for being a part of it.
Thanks for trying:
These are all copied directly from the entires. Some just aren’t names. Some just don’t work. Some are a bit stupid. Some just don’t make any sense at all.
- Jim Murray and Becky Paskin – the perfect couple in the world of whisky
- The Dragon
- Copper and Jingley
- Spiritual Angels
- Still Life Still Of The Night Still
- 想到两个名字: 第一个,蒸馏器——谐音名字:(真牛🐮气) 意思就是这个东西特别厉害特别牛逼,它又那么大个,老牛逼了😜 第二个,蒸馏器——蒸蒸日上 意思是久溪未来会越来越好🥳🥳
- The Alba The Rabbie Burns Braveheart Celtic Hebrides Highland Skye
- The name: 栖溪 The reason : 1.“栖”字取自“良禽择木而栖”, 蒸馏器不远万里,为酿臻品栖息于久溪,长存于龙岩; 2. 同时与中国情人节“七夕”同音,愿品尝久溪臻品的人们都能醉心于美酒,醉美于爱情!
- 1) pretty in pink (Rosie) thought it sounded nice and always liked the movie. 2) the Red Queen. ( obviously for Red wine) we’ll always like Alice in wonderland and resident evil could be a nod to both movies) 3) the white stuff ( a play in words for the song from the 90’s the right stuff and a nods to the nose candy one might slide to it.)
- Feng 风and Shui水 cuz we know a chaozhou master came there with a bagua and a jujubulle to bless our distillery.
- ‘The innkeepers wife’ I could use a brunch of decriptions, warm, fullbodied, made of stronger stuff etc but really I just like the name
- Easty and Westy Both from an orientation within the building perspective. If their alignment is north south even better. But more importantly the distillery is completely reliant on the cooperation of Western and Eastern skills and philosophy.
- They say the word “Whisky‘’ is originated from the old Latin phrase Aqua Vitae.. meaning water of life. So call the two still AQUA and VITAE. It will be good to have something to talk about while on a tour of the distillery..
- Peter, Paul, and Mary for obvious reasons. It just sounds right.
- Cortado Amber Oloroso Mahogany Tawny I have chosen these names as they are the colors of whiskey 🥃 and i think it will be suitable for whiskey still and also to 9 RD group
- Demeter – Greek God of grain Poseidon – Greek God of water Dionysus – Greek god of fertility. Later, he came to be known chiefly as the god of wine and pleasure
- These are just for fun: Hopty Dumpty- I think it’s funny, and is technically accurate. Blue Stihl- Pop culture references, etc etc etc
- The Dealer The Gambler Two roles that fill society’s vices. Just like our spirit. Also, just sounds cool.
- WHITE – Symbolizing Purity, Simplicity and above all Peace. BLACK – Symbolizing Elegance, Wealth, Power and above all Dynamism Together they Smbolize unity, fusion, co-existence.
- Tic and Tac cuz you know
- The snidget 2. The phoenix imaginary birds from Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy
- Zhang he : legendary Chinese explorer. Confucius : most influential chinese philosopher Marco Polo: bridged the gap between East and west which is what we are trying to do. Our company should be representing the people and culture we wish to supply. Directed at those we wish to pass through our door that will create local and cultural connection.
- Lorel and Hardy the fat and the short, ya know the lyrics
- StillWise – I just think it’s an awesome name for a still. 2. Noble Spirit – It’s a bit of a lofty name and I needed a second . But I mostly just like my first one.
- The Copper Witch Obvious 2. Hooch Another name for. liquor and sounds like a pet name. 3. Mingly Jingly i giggle saying it.
- I have 2 suggestions. Boily, Stills & Mash Or just David, Stephen & Graham (Crosby, Stills & Nash)
- pliosaur 上龙 “Because the shape of the distillation column resembles the snout of the Jurassic Pliosaurus, Pliosaurus was reportedly the largest animal in the sea in history. As Nine Rivers is the first whiskey manufacturer , might also is the largest distillation column in China, the name Pliosaurus is used to convey a good omen, signifying that the distillation column, like the Pliosaurus, will continuously produce high-quality liquor.”
- Cat of Nine Stills Sassy spirit Seductive stream Forbidden city ferment The flavor furnace
- Distill my heart Pour decisions Liquid courage Still Rivers run deep
- Stihl Haven’t Met You Yet- lazy, I know Be Stihl My Beating Heart- Even lazier, I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel.
- 1.Bacchus (or in ancient Roman: Dionysus) 2.Pan (or in ancient Roman: Faunus) 3. Poseidon. As Fujian lies on mountains and sea, in ancient Greek (and Roman) mythology Pan is the god of wild mountains and forests, Poseidon of seas and water, whereas Bacchus is the god of alcohol, wine, leisure, etc. So like like between mountains and water our whiskey will flow between mountains and sea, Bacchus will stand between Pan and Poseidon
- Spirit Still (Tall): ASTUTE : These pot stills remind me of submarines. Astute class submarines are currently the most advanced compact nuclear powered attack submarines in service for the British royal navy. Compact, agile, but yet powerful, hence the name. Wash Still: DREADNOUGHT: Dreadnought class submarines are currently the largest and most advanced nuclear powered submarines capable of launching ballistic missiles in service for the British Royal Navy, name befitting for this behemoth of pot still! Spirit Still (Short): TRAFALGAR: Trafalgar class submarines are currently the smallest of the attack grade nuclear powered submarines. Slightly smaller than the Astute class submarines. They pack near the same punch but comes in a smaller package. Name befitting for this super compact pot still (compared to the other 2)
- Stihl don’t know what I’m looking for-All credit to David Tait. His brilliant idea, but he’s uncomfy giving out his WeChat Stihl Trap-I dunno, I’m drunk.
- Poppa Still and Momma Still Because they the head of the Stills Family.
- ‘Still Nursing A Hangover’ – as are some of the folks admiring it no doubt. ‘Not For Hotpot’ – since it is essentially a big copper pot and Jingley’s might want to make soup in it.
- Whisky and music are always found together, so this suggested a musical theme to me. There also needed to be a reference to their differences in height. I’ll let the taller still do the introductions. “Hi, welcome to the 9 Rivers Distillery Still House. I’m Still Standing and this is my colleague Sitting Still” (no apologies to Elton John and REM). So Still Standing and Sitting Still
- Hank, Bertha, and Stilly McGillicuddy The only reason I chose them is because they popped into my mind as good names for the stills no special reason or meaning. They just seem like fitting names.
- Stilly McStillface – 27 submissions with this suggestion……yawn.
- Qilin, Qi refers to male ones, and Lin refers to female ones, is always considered one of the luckiest, happiest, and most legendary creatures in Chinese The Loong: The Loong is a powerful mythical creature in Chinese culture that symbolizes strength, power, and good luck. It is often represents prosperity, success, and good fortune.
- Dreadnought: Heavy, huge and fears nothing. It’s a legend like the boss
- I like to name the Tall Head still “Big Jim”, the washer still “Slim”, and the Short Head “Tiny Tim”
- Another one : Bullet ride Because they looks like bullets
- // Orchestra – a fluid dynamics composition is taking place.. distillery is not static // LongCop- Longyan and ‘police copper’ to capture the ‘essence’ and process control every drop in the copper stills // Longstil – play on Longyan, the size // Rivershine – instead of moonshine, 9RD, ‘proof is in the stil’ // Instillerger (Art of Instillergy) play on the root latin word ‘instillare’ and ‘synergy’ – in terms of introducing fluid dynamics – ‘drop by drop’ and team intelligence ‘drop by drop’
Those That Can’t Be Printed
As is the jovial nature, there were of course a number of suggestions that just can’t be listed, so if you can’t see your suggestion here, then you know why. Let’s just say there were 123 suggestions that were a bit naughty.
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